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Monthly Archives: January 2022

Telford Towbar - BLOG Social Media Templates Tesla Model 3 Detachable Towbar & Dedicated Electrics

Tesla Model 3 Detachable Towbar & Dedicated Electrics Fitted at Telford Towbars

Following on from the success of the model S saloon and model X, the Model 3 shares those cars’ combination of clever battery technology, powerful electric motors and high-tech onboard systems. Outside, the Model 3 also shares its siblings styling, which easily flies under the radar – a stark contrast to the remarkably minimalist interior that’s all but bare except for a very large infotainment screen used to control pretty much everything in the vehicle. Many customer have the desire to carry bikes with the new Tesla and here we have the perfect solution. The Model S comes with a 750 kg towing capacity so any major towing is not an option, but for the purpose of carrying bikes the detachable towbar provides a safe and easy option. This towbar also provides a great nose weight of up to 91kgs giving plenty of scope to carry multiple bikes.

You can generate an instant quote for the towbar by clicking the link here https://www.telfordtowbars.co.uk/shop/search/car-reg-search and dont forget to check out our range of bike carriers in the shop https://telfordtowbars.co.uk/shop/product-category/bike-racks/

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